March 31, 2011

Sharing leftovers! :)

Yay! I got an email from someone who gave out a Glimmer Card today!! :)  Read her email below:

We put our first glimmer card out today. There is a small retail store located in our neighborhood and we stopped in there tonight to pick up some extras for dinner. As we were checking out the cashier asked what was for dinner. We told her and she jokingly asked if we were going to bring her any. Well, after we finished with our family dinner we plated up some and took if back to the cashier accompanied by a glimmer card. She was shocked and pleased at the same time as were a couple of customers that were in the store. It was an awesome feeling making someone's night like that. :)

-- Bonnie from Greenville, NC

The First Glimmer Day Friday!

Here's the deal - You don't need to have a Glimmer Card to do something great for another person!  To kick off the project the right way, we are going to begin our Glimmer Day Friday!  Bear with me if I do something wrong, this is the first time I have ever used the linky thing! :)

If you are a blogger and you want to get involved, here is what you need to do:

1. Do something nice for someone! It doesn't matter what your random act of kindness is. It can be big or small. Maybe something simple like going out of the way to hold the door open for a stranger. Or something fun like baking brownies (or some other yumminess) for your neighbor. Or if you want to spend a couple of bucks try buying coffee for a stranger at 7-11. The key is to be creative while being kind to those around us!

Keep in mind, you do not have to have a Glimmer Card to do something nice for someone! If you want to share this site with them, so they can check it out for themselves, and maybe even "pay it forward" GO FOR IT! :)

2. Blog about it! Include pictures (or even video!!) if you want! And then link your post back here and share it with everyone else. Be sure to grab my "Glimmer Day Friday" Button below and include it on your post.

So here's the linky link!  Join us!

March 30, 2011

From the bottom of my heart...

So I know I have posted a few things already today, but I have just one more for you.  A note from Susan.

Let me begin by telling you what a Craptastic Day I had.  Work issues up the wazoo.  Piles of things to get caught up on.  And a dreary, rainy, cold cold day outside.  (It's almost April!  Where is the sunshine and warmer weather already?!)

By the time the afternoon was wrapping up I was complaining to my mom about how I had sooooo much to do and to top things off, I had to go out and BE NICE to someone!!  (Trust me, it was the last thing I felt like doing.)

I went out with a mission to giving an umbrella away to someone.  When I left the house it was raining.  When I started driving it stopped.  WHAT THE HECK!?  How was I supposed to give an umbrella away to someone when the rain had completely stopped?  So I gave up and continued on to my grandmother's house for dinner, feeling even more defeated.  She generously made me, my sister, my mom and my cousin dinner tonight.  So I took it upon myself to clean up the dishes.  Not a huge random act of kindness, but at this point, it was all I could do for the day.  I gave her a card and explained the project.  She really seemed to care less about the little piece of paper I left, but I knew she was grateful for me doing the dishes.

Anyway, I got home just in time to crash on the couch and watch America's Next Top Model with my roommate when all of a sudden my Droid started going NUTS.  People!  Tons and tons of people began emailing me!  (Well, wait, let's be real... when I say tons and tons I really mean 7 or 8 of you!)

Several of you were asking for Glimmer Cards!  Which will be on their way tomorrow!  A couple of you had awesome words of encouragement (which could not have come at a better time!):

In response to my "craptastic" facebook status, I got a facebook post from Lauren in Virginia Beach, VA saying:  GLIMMERastic! :)

Sarah from Durham, NC emailed:  I think what you're doing is great!  I constantly have to remind myself not to loose faith in all mankind... I know there are other genuinely good people out there.  We just have to come together to get everyone else to realize the same!

Amy from I'm-not-sure-where emailed:  A friend of mine posted a link to your site onto Facebook, so I had to click and read.  I think what you’ve started is absolutely wonderful!  I’ve done good deeds here and there, but I think your idea of leaving those people with a card, so that they feel good enough to share with others, its awesome.  ....   Anywho, I just wanted to applaud you via email, and let you know I fully support you and all the good you’ve done this far!! 

And THEN... yes, it gets better!  I got this email of inspiration.

Melissa from Virginia Beach, VA said:  Hi there Susan!  I would love some cards.  So I thought you would find this tidbit awesome... I pulled up to a Starbucks drive through on Independence in VBeach.  When I pulled up to pay for my drink they told me that 45 min before someone paid for their coffee and the car behind them.  They wanted to keep it going so I paid for the car behind me instead of mine.  I don't know how much longer it lasted but it brought a smile to my face :) 

Sorry that this is getting wordy, but HOW AWESOME IS THAT?!  Without a Glimmer Card, people are still being nice!  Or what if the original person HAD a Glimmer Card.  (Really not the point at all, but the thought of it made me a little giddy!)

So anyway, Thank you Thank you Thank you Thank you for all of your support and kind words.  They couldn't have come on a better evening!  To make things even better, almost all of the emails of encouragement have been from complete strangers.  So thanks, from the bottom of my heart. :)

The First Response!!

Tonight I got an email as a response to THE FIRST GLIMMER CARD THAT WAS GIVEN OUT!!!  It made my night!  :)  If you missed the post about the first random act of kindness I did this week you can read about it here.  Anyway, here is the email that Charlotte from Newport News, VA sent me:

On Monday I received a big plate of Chocolate Chip cookies with the glimmer card.  What a treat!  My favorite cookie.  I was taking care of the 2 little girls that I keep on Monday's and my new neighbor Michael came over with this big plate of cookies that his Girlfriend had baked.  It really made my day.  I am the stay at home Mom in my neighborhood.  The person that put's everyone's kids on the bus and when the bus pulls up in the afternoon and the parent's are not home, I bring those kids back to my house.

I'm also the one who always catches the loose dogs in the neighborhood.  Which I did on Saturday!  I plan on passing my card on to the next loose dog and it's owner since it happens quite often lately!

I'm located in Newport News.  I think this is a great idea and I'm putting on my thinking cap to come up with some more ideas.  What a smile it put on my face and my kids!  Thanks so much!!


Thank you Charlotte for emailing me back!  It sounds like you totally deserved receiving that Glimmer Card because you are always helping everyone else out!  (Especially that time you found my house keys in your street and returned them!! I was so grateful!)  So glad you liked the cookies!! :) 

Rainy Day Smiles!

This is an email I got from a fan of The Project Glimmer in Virginia Beach, Va.  Check it out:

This is my very first glimmer card.  My friend Alice and I had lunch on a rainy day—I had just picked up my cards from the mail box and excited to open them.  Met my friend of 40some years for lunch—shared a glimmer card with her and we chatted about the project—made us have big smiles AND then she bought my lunch—another big smile!  We went over to Belks in Suffolk and I shared a card with 2 ladies that were checking out with some real bargains—they were already smiling but they even had a bigger smile.  Thanks Susan! 

This was sent in from Linda in Virginia Beach, Virginia.  Thanks Linda!  So glad the Glimmer Cards brought smiles to those around you!

March 29, 2011

Yellow Flower Tuesday!

I'm going to be honest with you... today started out rough.  Customer Service issues, cranky people, bad drivers, bad moods!  This was exactly what my morning revolved around.  And then I realized it was Day 2 of The Project Glimmer Kick Off Week.  And here is what I did:

I headed out with a bundle of yellow daisies after lunch!  

First Stop: Wachovia Drive Through!  I needed to make a deposit.  There were two ladies working the windows so I sent two flowers and two cards!  They both smiled! :)

Second Stop:  Verizon.  I hate going into the Verizon store.  But I wanted to go in and talk to someone about the costs of the ipad and/ or the mobile internet options they have.  Typically I feel like going into Verizon is like doing your time at the DMV.  Long and painful.  But not this time!! A lady named Rosie was super helpful, got all of my questions answered within 5ish minutes, and had me out the door with a smile on my face.  Because of her friendliness and patience, I experienced great customer service!  So I went back in and asked for her.  Sadly, she was busy, but I asked another lady to leave a couple of flowers and a card for her.  When I was explaining myself I heard a few other people around me say "Awww" and smile.  

Third Stop:  MacCarther Mall. My roommate asked me to make a trip to the Apple Store with her.  She has been having issues with her macbook (unheard of, I know!) and has been in there several times.  Since this was probably going to be a stressful trip we decided to take some flowers along.  Before we went in to the mall, we left a couple flowers on several cars windshields, along with a Glimmer Card.  We had a few extra flowers that we decided to leave in the ladies & family restroom as well.  

We put these the the door handle instead of the windshield... 

(Blurry to protect the identity of the Jeep!)  Since I drive a jeep I HAD to leave a couple flowers on this one!

Family Bathroom, first floor of MacCarther Mall.  

We figured that even if the Janitor is the one who finds this, it will be worth it!  
Luckily it was a very happy trip when the manager at the Apple Store said they would replace her dud laptop with a brand new laptop!  Since our spirits were up, we decided to stop by the restrooms to see if anyone had found and taken the flowers yet.  Sadly, no, not yet.  But we figured even if it is a Janitor who finds them, then hooray! :)

When we were heading back to the car I glanced around, wondering if anyone had found the other flowers yet.  It was actually really funny, because timing is everything!  As we were getting closer to our car we saw a guy pulling the flowers and card off of his windshield.  He looked around, like he was SUPER confused and then climbed into his car.  We just looked like two innocent shoppers walking out of the mall, so unless he saw the funny smirk on my face, he had no clue it was us who left the flowers for him.

Last Stop.  The Parking Garage Lady. I'm honestly not really sure what her title is, but she is the lady that sits in the booth, while leaving the parking garage, to collect our money.  (It's not a toll, but a.... help me out... what's the word??)  Anyway, Caitlin handed her the ticket and she told us we owed $2.  When Caitlin passed her the $2 she had two yellow flowers with it.  This lovely lady had the biggest grin on her face as she smiled back at us and said "Thank You."

So that's it ladies and gentlemen.  Day two of the Glimmer Week Kick Off!  What do you think?  Give me your feed back!  Did you get a flower?  Let me know!  

Glimmer Card Batches!

Yesterday evening I spent some time getting the Glimmer Card packets put together for the group of people  who emailed me their addresses.  Here's what they looked like:

Get excited if you are expecting one in the mail!!  

As part of my kick off week I decided to include a little special something for four of you though!  A random act of kindness from me to you!

You might be wondering how I picked which four would receive this special treat.  Since I was sitting in the parking lot of the post office, I couldn't go to the random picker online, so I used the next best thing!

Chloe "picked out" four random envelopes for me!

All of the packets (except for one who emailed me her address literally as I was pulling out of the post office parking lot) have been shipped out!  If you are local, you might get it today!  Otherwise, be on the look out for your cards Wednesday and Thursday! :)

PS.  I still have 6 batches of Glimmer Cards that need a good home!  Do you or someone you know want to get involved?  Let me know!  I will mail them to you asap!

March 28, 2011

The First Glimmer Card!

The First Glimmer Card!  Kick Off Monday!  Both pretty exciting if you ask me!  I'm so ready to get this project rolling, and from the sounds of it, so are a lot of you!  I cannot believe we have over 70 facebook fans and 30ish people who are following the blog (because they clicked that little follow button right over there ----->  and you should too!)

So here we go!  The first random act of kindness!  I wish I had done something so much more creative, but stay tuned... I will try to think something up for the rest of the week.  Anyway, what did I do?  Well let me show you!

I baked cookies!!  And when I say baked, I use it very loosely.  I was in Newport News at my boyfriend's house and he didn't really have the "tools" necessary to bake from scratch, so I resorted to this!  Cookie dough from the tube!  :)

I'm not going to lie, we tasted a couple.  You really would've thought they were home made, not tube made.  

Then I made him PROMISE me that he would pick one of his neighbors and deliver the cookies.  I got a text message this afternoon saying "mission accomplished."  

And of course I made sure he took the Glimmer Card along too!

So there you go.  Simple, delicious, random act of kindness.  Let's get this project rolling!  I mailed out a ton of cards today (actually only 260) to those of you who have emailed me your address.  I think I have 6 more packets of Glimmer Cards left to send out into the world!  Let me know if you want one!

Do you have an idea of a random act of kindness I should do?  Leave it in the comment section below!
ps. sorry about the poor picture quality... they are from the droid because the camera was MIA :)

March 27, 2011

Thank you Mailman!

On Friday afternoon the mailman had NO idea what he was leaving on my door step.  When I saw him walking away after dropping off a large box from Vista Print I almost wanted to chase him down and tell him how many good deeds and smiles he just brought all of us!  I'm sure a bear hug would've been too much, and he would've thought I had indeed flipped my lid.  So I simply smiled and waved a thank you at him before I quickly tore into the box!  The Glimmer Cards are here!  

Don't forget!  If you want your own stash of Glimmer Cards you need to let me know!  Read my post from Thursday on Glimmer Cards if you are interested.  

Kick off starts tomorrow!  I'm excited!  Are you?

March 25, 2011

Glimmer Day Fridays!

You don't need a Glimmer Card to do something great for another person! As part of the kick off week we are going to turn Friday into "Glimmer Day Friday!" for other bloggers out there.  So our first official Glimmer Day Friday will be next week - Friday April 1, 2011.  

If you are a blogger and you want to get involved, here is what you need to do:

1. Do something nice for someone! It doesn't matter what your random act of kindness is. It can be big or small. Maybe something simple like going out of the way to hold the door open for a stranger. Or something fun like baking brownies (or some other yumminess) for your neighbor. Or if you want to spend a couple of bucks try buying coffee for a stranger at 7-11. The key is to be creative while being kind to those around us!

Keep in mind, you do not have to have a Glimmer Card to do something nice for someone! If you want to share this site with them, so they can check it out for themselves, and maybe even "pay it forward" GO FOR IT! :)

2. Blog about it! Include pictures (or even video!!) if you want! And then link your post back here and share it with everyone else. Be sure to grab my "Glimmer Day Friday" Button below and include it on your post.

This is will be my first experience with Linky so please bear with me if I do something wrong! You will be able to post your links anytime on Fridays, beginning next week.  Any tips or tricks from other bloggers is great appreciated! :)

March 24, 2011

Glimmer Cards!

Do you want to participate in the kick-off of this project?  Hooray!  Let me send you some Glimmer Cards!

I will be sending out 25 packets of cards (to basically anywhere in the world because I am well aware of the fact that we have a hand full of readers in Australia) next week!  Each packet will contain 20 Glimmer Cards.

How do you get to be one of the lucky 25 to receive the first of the Glimmer Cards?  You have to do 3 things!

One:  Follow this blog by clicking the little follow button over there in the right hand column--->
Two:  Post the link on your Facebook Page and encourage your friends to jump on board (then comment below and tell me you did it!)  AND/OR share the project details and link back on your own blog (and again, be sure to comment below and tell me you did it!)  **And by the way, if you didn't know, we know have a facebook page! 
Three:  Shoot me an email and give me your name and mailing address so I can get them sent to you!  My email address is

It's as simple as that!! :)

Help the Cause!

I got an email this morning informing me that the Glimmer Cards should be arriving TODAY!!  Woo Hoo!! :)

I need your help though!  I have a few ideas that I need feedback on ASAP.

1.  In an effort to raise funds for this project a few people have expressed that they would be interested in ordering a bumper sticker for $2.  What do you think?  Would you be interested?  I would probably need to have a commitment for at least 50 stickers before I could order them.  You could keep it for yourself, or spread the love and share them with friends and family... This is what they would look like:

(They would be the oval type of sticker - not the large rectangular one, this way you can stick it somewhere other than your bumper if so desired!)
2.  Someone also told me to sell some t-shirts.  I had two ideas with this... One - a simple shirt (you would have 5 color options to pick from, maybe even a tie-dye option!!) and it would have the logo (basically the header of this blog) and website on it.  Or idea number two - YOU design the t-shirt!  I know there are tons of crafty people reading this.  (Not positive how this would work quite yet... it's still just a thought!)  We could vote on a favorite (or two!) and then sell YOUR creation!  The winning shirt designer would of course get a free shirt.  Shirts would probably cost $12 to $15 and all of the profits would go to help the funding of Project: Glimmer.  (I would need to have 20 shirt orders in before I can order them in bulk.)

So give me your thoughts/ ideas!  Do you think this would work?  Not work?  I'm a beginner at this, any and all input is soooo appreciated!!  If anyone has another brilliant plan I would LOVE to hear it!  Thanks friends! 

March 22, 2011

You're Killing Me With Kindness!

You guys are WONDERFUL!  I cannot tell you how happy your support has made me today.  I feel like you are all doing such a nice thing for me by promoting and following the project (before it has even started!) - good thing I will have a pile of Glimmer Cards to hand out next week to pay it forward!

It's 8:30PM and we have already have 90 hits today.  Special thanks to two girls on the other side of the country (who I do not know!!) who have shared this project on their blogs:  Katri at Cardigans and Cookie Dough and Kailee at An Outfit A Day Keeps The Fashion Police Away.   Not only do they seem like great girls, but they have super cute blogs and super cute clothes!!  Go check 'em out!

And the Facebook Page!  Did you know that you need to have 25 "Fans" to get an official facebook web address?  Did you know that the "Share" button on these fanpages are "broken" right now?  Well, ya do and they are (from what I've been told).  And in two days 18 people have "Liked" my page!  Only 7 more to go... do you think we can get there by tomorrow?!

QUESTION FOR BLOGGERS - Next week is kick off week (hopefully, as long as the Glimmer Cards come in).  I'm kind of new to the blogging world (other than my wimpy little 2 cats & chloe. blog.) but can someone please explain the Link Up Parties or Link up Days that people have?  I was thinking about doing something like that next week for the kick off, to get other bloggers involved... kinda a Random Act of Kindness day or "Glimmer Day Tuesday" or something......  Thoughts?  How do I go about doing this?  I need your help!  Feel free to leave me a comment below or email me at

Thank you again for all your support, enthusiasm, kind words, love, and the "glimmer of hope" that you have already shown.  It LOVE it that people are so willing and wanting to make a difference.   

March 20, 2011

Assignment to Save the World.

Have you seen the movie Pay It Forward?  I had not seen it in years.  So on this lazy Sunday I decided to check and see it if was available to stream instantly on Netflix.  And guess what, it was!  Here is the opening clip of the movie, where the assignment is introduced:

I'm simply giddy!

Yesterday this blog had 60 views!  SIXY!  Six-Zero! 
 And the project hasn't even started yet!  My heart leaped for joy when I was scrolling through my Facebook Newsfeed and I saw a few friends reposted and shared the link, without me even talking to them about it!  I'm simply giddy over the potential of this project!  

I have received nothing but reassurance from my friends and family about The Project Glimmer.  The business cards are coming along.  (Katie has dealt with my indecisiveness and is making us some pretty sweet Glimmer Cards!)

This morning I woke up and turned the television on to Joel Osteen.  Now, I'm not a die-hard fan of his like a lot of people I know, but when I am not heading to church on a Sunday morning, he usually shares a good message that is worth tuning in for.  Well this morning the message was about seeing things through the eyes of love and not judgement.  A few things he said that stood out to me were:
-  We should be generous with our mercy and love
-  We should see things through the eyes of compassion and love, not judgement
-  We don't have the same background as everyone around us.  We can't judge a situation until we know what he or she is going through or has been through, and do to this, we have to step in their shoes.
-  It's easy to be critical and write people off but we should give them the benefit of the doubt.
-  Sometimes it only takes one person to make a difference for another.

Now, I don't want to get all preachy on you, but this sermon was right on target for me this morning!  It was another reassurance for me.  Even if I give this project a shot and a ton of people think it's silly or dumb, but it makes just one or two people smile... I will be happy with that.

So many, many thanks (again) to the few people who have already jumped on board, fanned and shared The Project Glimmer on Facebook, and clicked the follow button on the blog over in the right hand column!  Keep sharing the blog!  Maybe by just simply sharing the website with folks, and then they read what we are hoping to do/ will be doing, that will also give them a glimmer of hope as well! :)

PS.  If you are interested in watching the Joel Show I saw this morning you can check it out here.
PPS.  I am going to try to order the Glimmer Cards this week and kick off the project as soon as the cards come in! :)  Stay tuned!

March 18, 2011

Good neighbors.

I finished my meetings by 2 o'clock-ish today... on this day of 80 degree wonderfulness.  It has been a longgggg winter, and it is starting to bring me down.  So a day of sunshine was exactly what I have been looking forward to.  It's amazing how great it felt to sit on my back deck and eat lunch.

While enjoying some spectacular chicken salad and green tea my neighbor walked out of his house and we began to talk.  Now sometimes you just do not want to talk to people, and you just want to sit quietly and enjoy your lunch.  But this guy is one of the nicest people in the entire world and is ALWAYS a joy to talk to.  The topic of conversation does not matter.  Happiness and goodness simply radiate from this man.

When our conversation ended, I began to wonder why most people are not like him.  I mean heck, am I even like him?  Does happiness and joy radiate from me?!  Honest answer:  Not always.  Anyways, he is always smiling, even when his 3 year old and 2 year old are driving him up the wall.  He is always willing to lend a hand, even when it is monsooning out and my roof is leaking water into my kitchen ceiling.  He is always looking out for my roommate and me, along with the other neighbors on the street, even at 2AM shortly after a few break-ins occurred.

What does it take to be THIS NICE of a person?  I'm not saying he's perfect.  Because in my personal opinion, no one is.  Everyone has their faults, and their bad days.  But really, what does it take?  What do people think of me after a short conversation or brief encounter?  What do people think of you after a short conversation or brief encounter?  It's just something to ponder...

I am super excited to begin this project.  SUPER excited.  As I said before, the amount of work that goes into getting people on board and to get the ball rolling can be quite overwhelming!  At this point I am working on the "kick off week."  I'm thinking there will be a blitz of Glimmer Cards that will show up around Hampton Roads.  Maybe fifty or so.  That's the only way to really see what will happen from the start.  We have to kick off with more than just one card a day.  Let's see what people do when someone does something nice for them and they receive a card.  Will they actually pass it on?

(Speaking of Glimmer Cards!  I need to make a shout out to my good friend Katie at Julep Studios in Richmond, Virginia.  This girl is a "Jill of all Trades."  She does a bit of everything, including stationary designs.  She has volunteered to help me design the Glimmer Cards for free!  Once she works up a few designs, I will get the cards printed and we can let the fun begin!)

Believe it or not, when I mention this to people, their immediate reaction is to ask for the website because they have someone they want to share it with!  It is super encouraging to know that there are people who also LOVE this idea as much as I do.  Talk about a glimmer of hope!

I'm excited to make this work.  I'm excited to make people smile.  I'm excited to see the results of the project.  I'm excited to prove that despite the BAD economy, the BAD politics, the BAD earthquake in Japan, the BAD customer service, the BAD attitudes, and the BAD news... that there is still GOOD.  GOOD people, GOOD hearts, GOOD friends, GOOD neighbors.

March 16, 2011

So much for not slacking!

Let me begin with my sincerest apologies to the world!  I had such good intentions for this blog and I think I got overwhelmed for a minute (or two).  When I realized the cost of the "business cards" and a few other things, it was at a point where I was strapped for cash.  I dropped the ball.  But I'm picking it back up again!

So here we go.  For real this time.  However, a few things have changed:

1.  The blog header/ logo.  When I looked back at the old one, I wasn't the biggest fan.  This one may change too... but we shall see.  Give me your thoughts.  I'm thinking the header will basically be the logo.

2.  The name.  Basically we are adding a "the" infront of "project: glimmer" - no biggie right?  Right!  Why though?  It's pretty simple.  I should not have dropped the ball back in August when I did.  At the time was available.  As of 12 days ago, it is not.  So now... we are not just a project, we are THE project! :)  Share it with your friends and family!  If you have a blog there is a little button over there ---> (on the right hand side) stick it in your blog and show some love!  (Before you ask, yes, this is still a .blogspot blog.  Don't get confused.  The domain is forwarding to this page.  Basically we are saving a good amount of cash this way!) 

3.  The mission.  Not really, but just a little.  It was, and still is, 365 days and a glimmer of hope.  But the more I thought about it, I began to feel bad and began to dislike the concept of making [forcing, trying, obligating, stressing] myself to do something EVERYDAY and document it.  It's not that I am not going to be doing nice things on a daily basis, but anyone who blogs knows that it can be a ton of work.  And to throw it into the mix with my jobs and everything else... it's almost like telling yourself you have to go to the gym, EVERYDAY.  You don't look forward to it nearly as much.

So here's the deal.  365 days and a glimmer of hope.  Let's see how much we can accomplish in one year!  Not just me, but everyone who decides to participate!  As it was before, if you do something nice for someone, or you receive a glimmer card, I want to know about it!  Email it to me and I will post it here for you!

Let's do this.