March 31, 2011

The First Glimmer Day Friday!

Here's the deal - You don't need to have a Glimmer Card to do something great for another person!  To kick off the project the right way, we are going to begin our Glimmer Day Friday!  Bear with me if I do something wrong, this is the first time I have ever used the linky thing! :)

If you are a blogger and you want to get involved, here is what you need to do:

1. Do something nice for someone! It doesn't matter what your random act of kindness is. It can be big or small. Maybe something simple like going out of the way to hold the door open for a stranger. Or something fun like baking brownies (or some other yumminess) for your neighbor. Or if you want to spend a couple of bucks try buying coffee for a stranger at 7-11. The key is to be creative while being kind to those around us!

Keep in mind, you do not have to have a Glimmer Card to do something nice for someone! If you want to share this site with them, so they can check it out for themselves, and maybe even "pay it forward" GO FOR IT! :)

2. Blog about it! Include pictures (or even video!!) if you want! And then link your post back here and share it with everyone else. Be sure to grab my "Glimmer Day Friday" Button below and include it on your post.

So here's the linky link!  Join us!

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