Recently I have been coming home from work and feeling discouraged and upset about today's society. It just feels like people do not care about each other the way they used to. What happened to the "Golden Rule" - "Do to others as you would want them to do to you." Right?! All we hear about on the news anymore are the negative things: murders, crimes, war, hate. What happened to the good news? Have we all gotten so busy in our lives that we forget about how our actions affect those around us?
I'm beginning this project with a glimmer of hope... Hope that people still do naturally care about each other. Hope for the future. Hope that others will see this and respond. Hope that this project is a reminder for each and every one of us that there is still a lot of good in this world.
The point of this project is simple: Do one nice thing, everyday, for someone. It could be a family member or a friend, or even a complete stranger. It can be something tiny and almost insignificant, or it could be something huge and life changing. There are no rules, other than I have to do nice things, random acts of kindness some may say, for 365 days, and blog about it. **Please look HERE to read more about a few changes that occurred since the beginning of the project.
To add a little twist, I am going to incorporate the "Pay It Forward" challenge, to hopefully get you involved as well. When doable, I will leave a business card (or a "glimmer card") with each good deed. For example, if I'm at a toll and decide to pay for the car behind me, I will give the toll booth tender a glimmer card to pass to the next car. On this card it will have the link to this blog, a brief description of the project, and a line about paying it forward to someone else. The driver of that car will then have to do something nice for another person and pass the card on. Simple enough? Imagine how many people that one business card could affect!
This could be quite the social experiment. I don't expect everyone to appreciate a nice gesture or favor out of the blue. But I do hope to make a few people smile, and maybe think about when the last time was that they helped someone for no particular reason.
Please join me with this project. Whether it's just reading along or if you want to get involved! I appreciate any feedback and/or ideas that you might have. I love the fact that this project has a huge possibility of touching the lives of people around the world! Thanks for your support and I hope to hear from you!