March 24, 2011

Glimmer Cards!

Do you want to participate in the kick-off of this project?  Hooray!  Let me send you some Glimmer Cards!

I will be sending out 25 packets of cards (to basically anywhere in the world because I am well aware of the fact that we have a hand full of readers in Australia) next week!  Each packet will contain 20 Glimmer Cards.

How do you get to be one of the lucky 25 to receive the first of the Glimmer Cards?  You have to do 3 things!

One:  Follow this blog by clicking the little follow button over there in the right hand column--->
Two:  Post the link on your Facebook Page and encourage your friends to jump on board (then comment below and tell me you did it!)  AND/OR share the project details and link back on your own blog (and again, be sure to comment below and tell me you did it!)  **And by the way, if you didn't know, we know have a facebook page! 
Three:  Shoot me an email and give me your name and mailing address so I can get them sent to you!  My email address is

It's as simple as that!! :)


  1. Susan I just posted on my Poppie Lane fb page! :) and of course I am a follower! :) I'll shoot you an email with my address - this is so great! :)

  2. I posted on my facebook page, linked to it on my blog before and your button is now on my blog! I'll send you an email, I can't wait! you are awesome!!

  3. This is such a phenomenal idea Suz. So proud of you girl! Just posted my second request for friends on FB to join in.

  4. Hi Susan, This is such a great project. I have now started following your blog, and I have shared Project Glitter on fb page. I will shoot you an email with my address. I would love to receive a batch of cards. I cannot wait to get my children involved with this project as well! :)


Thank you so much for all of your comments! I promise all of them are read and appreciated! :)