March 29, 2011

Yellow Flower Tuesday!

I'm going to be honest with you... today started out rough.  Customer Service issues, cranky people, bad drivers, bad moods!  This was exactly what my morning revolved around.  And then I realized it was Day 2 of The Project Glimmer Kick Off Week.  And here is what I did:

I headed out with a bundle of yellow daisies after lunch!  

First Stop: Wachovia Drive Through!  I needed to make a deposit.  There were two ladies working the windows so I sent two flowers and two cards!  They both smiled! :)

Second Stop:  Verizon.  I hate going into the Verizon store.  But I wanted to go in and talk to someone about the costs of the ipad and/ or the mobile internet options they have.  Typically I feel like going into Verizon is like doing your time at the DMV.  Long and painful.  But not this time!! A lady named Rosie was super helpful, got all of my questions answered within 5ish minutes, and had me out the door with a smile on my face.  Because of her friendliness and patience, I experienced great customer service!  So I went back in and asked for her.  Sadly, she was busy, but I asked another lady to leave a couple of flowers and a card for her.  When I was explaining myself I heard a few other people around me say "Awww" and smile.  

Third Stop:  MacCarther Mall. My roommate asked me to make a trip to the Apple Store with her.  She has been having issues with her macbook (unheard of, I know!) and has been in there several times.  Since this was probably going to be a stressful trip we decided to take some flowers along.  Before we went in to the mall, we left a couple flowers on several cars windshields, along with a Glimmer Card.  We had a few extra flowers that we decided to leave in the ladies & family restroom as well.  

We put these the the door handle instead of the windshield... 

(Blurry to protect the identity of the Jeep!)  Since I drive a jeep I HAD to leave a couple flowers on this one!

Family Bathroom, first floor of MacCarther Mall.  

We figured that even if the Janitor is the one who finds this, it will be worth it!  
Luckily it was a very happy trip when the manager at the Apple Store said they would replace her dud laptop with a brand new laptop!  Since our spirits were up, we decided to stop by the restrooms to see if anyone had found and taken the flowers yet.  Sadly, no, not yet.  But we figured even if it is a Janitor who finds them, then hooray! :)

When we were heading back to the car I glanced around, wondering if anyone had found the other flowers yet.  It was actually really funny, because timing is everything!  As we were getting closer to our car we saw a guy pulling the flowers and card off of his windshield.  He looked around, like he was SUPER confused and then climbed into his car.  We just looked like two innocent shoppers walking out of the mall, so unless he saw the funny smirk on my face, he had no clue it was us who left the flowers for him.

Last Stop.  The Parking Garage Lady. I'm honestly not really sure what her title is, but she is the lady that sits in the booth, while leaving the parking garage, to collect our money.  (It's not a toll, but a.... help me out... what's the word??)  Anyway, Caitlin handed her the ticket and she told us we owed $2.  When Caitlin passed her the $2 she had two yellow flowers with it.  This lovely lady had the biggest grin on her face as she smiled back at us and said "Thank You."

So that's it ladies and gentlemen.  Day two of the Glimmer Week Kick Off!  What do you think?  Give me your feed back!  Did you get a flower?  Let me know!  

1 comment:

  1. Thumbs up to you Suz! Sounds like you turned your day around and made some people smile.


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