March 31, 2011

Sharing leftovers! :)

Yay! I got an email from someone who gave out a Glimmer Card today!! :)  Read her email below:

We put our first glimmer card out today. There is a small retail store located in our neighborhood and we stopped in there tonight to pick up some extras for dinner. As we were checking out the cashier asked what was for dinner. We told her and she jokingly asked if we were going to bring her any. Well, after we finished with our family dinner we plated up some and took if back to the cashier accompanied by a glimmer card. She was shocked and pleased at the same time as were a couple of customers that were in the store. It was an awesome feeling making someone's night like that. :)

-- Bonnie from Greenville, NC


  1. Yeah!! Keep it going!! What a great way for you and the cashier to end your evening!!

  2. That's what I love to read - a throwaway line which sparks a thought which leads to an action of kindness - who knows where the glimmer will go to?

    x Felicity


Thank you so much for all of your comments! I promise all of them are read and appreciated! :)