April 07, 2011

My Favorite Auntie in Switzerland!

I really wanted to write a post today telling you about the Glimmer Care Package that I mailed out, BUT I also really want it to be a surprise for the person who gets it.  And I know if I post pictures of the funny things I put in the box, he or she would know it was for him or her.

So instead, I am going to write about two awesome glimmer moments of my day!  I hope you don't mind! :)

As I walked back into the post office I began to wonder if they ladies at the register would recognize me.  I tossed my "If it fits it ships" box up on the counter along with a few bills and a Netflix DVD I have had for wayyyyy too long.  When I looked up the lady behind the counter said "I just have to tell you, I kept that card you gave me but I did do something for someone!!"  :)

She told me how she went to her neighbors house and cut the grass for them.  But she said she kept the Glimmer Card and is now using it as a bookmark.  I guess to remind her of the project!  :) 

Now speaking of mail... I got the best glimmer surprise and encouragement in my mailbox yesterday.  When I opened the tiny little box up I saw this card smiling back at me. 

I first saw the words "AIR MAIL" and then recognized the hand writing and got excited because I knew it was a letter from my aunt in Switzerland.  

She is famous for making her own, simple note cards that I love.  I will bet that she took this photo somewhere, then printed it out and glued it on the card... cute idea right?  And it saves a good deal of money when it comes to buying expensive singing Hallmark Cards!  

I open the card up and a fifty dollar bill falls out.  NOT WHAT I WAS EXPECTING AT ALL.  And then I read the sweetest note.  

Dear Susan,
Thank YOU for the sunshine and glimmer that you've brought to my life.  
Please use this $ to buy some more glimmer cards.  
I'll continue to follow your project.
Much love,
A. Beth

I immediately called her up to say thanks.  It was nice because we don't get to chat on the phone too often.  So yeah, I have to send a HUGE thank you post to my favorite Auntie in Switzerland!  This money will be put to great use!  I already have a few project ideas in mind!  Thank you thank you thank you!  

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