August 16, 2010

Great minds think alike!

I woke up this morning to my droid alerting me that an email (from my mother, not a dreamy guy or anything crazy like that!) had arrived. Groggy-eyed and still half asleep, while fighting the dog off of me and the cat off the bed, I reached for the phone and read the news... Someone had already done my project! Someone else started this Random Act of Kindness mission already! Someone stole my idea that I swear I made up on a dreary Saturday! Someone beat me to it! I am too late! I am behind the times! I missed the boat! As Hilary Duff sings, I am "so yesterday!"

After waking up, honestly feeling a little discouraged, I enjoyed a cup of joe (decaf of course), and listened to a work-related conference call. I started to zone and began to realize (just like the Grinch realized it in "How the Grinch Stole Christmas") that it's okay that someone has done this! It's actually really, super, freakin' awesome that someone has done this! Isn't that the point anyway?! Who am I to be upset that someone else is trying to bring joy to this world?! Thinking about it now, I am actually LOLing! It makes my heart smile knowing that I'm not the only fool in this world trying to make people smile!

So now, join me in giving Agent L a round of applause for her all the work she has done, all the agents she has inspired, and for giving me a glimmer of hope! I want to share with you my new favorite blog!

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